Zarnetske Lab Press Release

Press release about the Watershed Science and Hydroecology Lab, by MSU College of Natural Science. On Water and Carbon at the Arctic LTER

Project: Near-stream groundwater dynamics at Hubbard Brook forest

Variations in near-stream groundwater dynamics in a headwater catchment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH

Weir at the bottom of Watershed 3 at Hubbard Brook
As part of a multi-student exploration of the connections between soils, shallow groundwater, and headwater streams in Watershed 3 at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, we focused on the near-stream zone and hope to draw attention to the importance of stream-groundwater exchange in headwater streams and emphasize the variability of this exchange in both space and time. 

Surveying wells in Watershed 3 at Hubbard Brook
members of the Hubbard Brook 'stream team', incl. Tyler (left) and Kevin and Scott (right),
Summer 2015, Mt. Pleasant, NH

Group travels to Augusta Creek Watershed, MI

I'm joining our lab group to conduct a synoptic sampling of stream and hyporheic chemistry, led by Joe and Sydney, in the Augusta Creek Watershed in southern Michigan, near the MSU Kellogg Biological Station.

MSU joins USGS and Mines on Cape Cod

The Microzones Project has officially kicked off! Tyler Hampton and Dr. Jay Zarnetske are representing MSU in this collaborative effort to understand the role of less mobile porosities in nitrogen processing in lake and river sediments. They are joined by Dr. Kamini Singha from Colorado School of Mines and Dr. Martin Briggs from the USGS Geophysics Branch at UConn.
Not a bad place to do science!


I am pursuing my PhD in Earth Sciences and Water at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. I am working with Dr. Nandita Basu, researching the use of parsimonious models to understand watershed processes influencing stream chemistry and drinking water treatability in steep forested catchments impacted by wildfires. I come from a process-based earth science background, with previous work in surface-groundwater interactions in steep and low-gradient catchments, and in nitrogen cycling at this interface. I'm passionate about the intersection between these natural processes and the possible implications for policy and management decisions. I'm a graduate of Michigan State University and the University of New Hampshire.

Joining MSU Watershed Science and Hydroecology Lab!

I'm excited to announce I'll be attending Michigan State University next fall to pursue my masters degree! I'll be joining Dr. Jay Zarnetske's Watershed Science and Hydroecology lab!