Project: Exploring the effect of carbon and DOM quality on SWI nitrogen cycling

Exploring changes in carbon reactivity and composition, and the effect on the fate of nitrate, at a stream sediment-water interface

This work was conducted to explore how dissolved organic carbon (DOC) derived from different organic matter sources degraded within the sediment water interface (SWI), and how its reactivity or 'lability' affected nitrogen cycling and denitrification products within the SWI. Field work consisted of push-pull experiments at Augusta Creek, in Hickory Corners, MI, and additional laboratory studies were conducted by Joe-Lee Cullin and undergraduate Rachel Geiger at Michigan State. This work was supported by a Kellogg Biological Station LTER Summer Research Fellowship and a GSA Summer Research Grant, as well as the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program.

Joe Lee-Cullin and Tyler Hampton
sampling during Push-Pull experiments 
in Augusta Creek, Summer 2017
Joe Lee-Cullin and Rachel Geiger
collecting flocculated organic matter 
from Augusta Creek for use in batch reactor
studies of DOM quality and reactivity